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HDPE Inner Liner And LDPE Bags

HDPE Inner Liner And LDPE Bags

HDPE Inner Liner is a non woven light weighted plastic bag that is inserted in a PP Woven Bag to protect the product from the moisture, sunlight and impurities that may harm sensitive products. These types of bags are typically used for commodities like Sugar, Fertilizers, Flour and Detergents.  These bags are available in both the sizes for 25 KGs and 50 KGs filling.

LDPE Bags is also a non woven light weighted plastic bag that is softer and flexible when compared to HDPE. These bags are more transparent in nature and have high resistance to solvents. These bags are typically used as shopping bags and also for Oil and Ghee Cartons.

Date: 11th, February, 2019

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